Topaz gem November Birthstone

Know About Topaz Gemstone – Birthstone For Month November

Topaz Gemstone - Birthstone For Month November
Topaz Gemstone – Birthstone For Month November

According to astrology birthstone is accompanied with each month of the year. For instance, a person who is born in the month of November can wear Topaz gemstone.

Likewise, an individual of July can wear ruby gemstone as birthstone; an ascendant of the month August can wear peridot as a birthstone. In like manner, an individual of the month of November can wear Topaz as his/her birthstone.

The yellow color topaz stone is the substitute of yellow sapphire stone to embodies celestial forces within it. As it is evident that yellow sapphire is a precious and expensive stone, so, it is hard for a person to afford this stone.

On the other hand, yellow topaz is a less expensive stone.Therefore, a person who can’t pay for expensive yellow sapphire stone can go for topaz stone.

Topaz November Birthstone
Topaz November Birthstone

Moreover, topaz is regarded to be the birthstone month of November. Usually, the original topaz stone is colorless and pale in appearance; however, topaz is all chromatic in nature which means imperfection in the atomic structure of the stone that allows the stone to tint with different colors.

Thus, the varieties of colors which this stone resembles are due to imperfection caused in the atomic structure of the stone. The topaz stone resembles colors like yellow, red, wine, blue, deep green color, etc.

It is also considered to be the birthstone of the month of November. Thus, an ascendant of November can wear this gemstone.

Benefits of Wearing topaz Gemstone:

The topaz stone signifies friendship, nobility, cheeriness. Thus, wearing the topaz stone as the birthstone for November will bring calmness, mental peace, eradicates negativity from the mind and endow relief from depression.

Besides that, wearing this stone also combat against many severe diseases like insomnia, memory loss, and control aggression.

It also controls the liver problem, fever, appetite problem and gets rid-off from cold and digestion problem.


Different Mines And Origins

The topaz stone can be minded around the world. However, the best quality topaz stone is found in Czech Republic, Pakistan, and the United State of America, Japan, Russia, Brazil, and Tasmania.

How to wear Topaz Ring:

The topaz ring should be worn either on Thursday morning with a gold ring especially during the period of shukla Paksha. Besides that, an individual should evaluate the quality of the stone rigorously before wearing this stone. Because wearing the only natural topaz stone can prove beneficial for the ascendant of November.

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